- waterfall

A Pond in Your Backyard in the Desert? You Bet

Summers in the desert can be not, dry and miserable. For some it is just a matter of getting home to relax in their own private oasis in the desert. These lucky people Have a pond in their backyard complete with a soothing waterfall. The stress of the day is washed away by the tranquil sounds of flowing water cascading over their waterfall into a pond full of fish.

Your probably thinking to yourself how can this be. With temperatures up to 120 degrees, won’t the fish die? Will the water evaporate? It must take a lot of work to keep the pond clean?

The truth of the matter is that having you own pond or water garden as I like to call it is extremely low maintenance. When built correctly using a proper system to keep the water clean the pond is virtually maintenance free. The fish have no problem surviving in a desert climate.

Before we get into different types of systems let me warn you about a common problem with people that build ponds. They are not pond contractors so they buy swimming pool pumps and equipment to build ponds. When they are finished the pond may look nice, then they leave and the nightmare begins, endless maintenance.

There are many types of systems available to keep your pond clear and free of algae. Some systems use pond filters, well others use UV lights. Both of these methods are considered external systems and require a lot of maintenance. you will need to clean the filters often and with the lights you will need to change the bulbs that cost you money. The worst part is that these devices will be outside of the pond. The method I prefer is to use a natural eco-system. With a eco-system ever thing is contained with in the pond and waterfall. You have no unsightly equipment to look at.

When it comes to building the pond there are different materials that can be used. The people that like to build a pond like a swimming pool use concrete to line the pond. To get a more natural looking pond you can use a liner and stones to create a pond like you would see in a natural setting. There are many benefits to both the fish and you when it comes to keeping the pond clean.

Another misconception people hear when looking to build a koi pond is that it needs to be deep. This is not true. i have built hundreds of ponds In the Phoenix AZ area where it gets extremely hot. None of these ponds is over 18″ deep. I have never seen a single fish die from the heat over the last 6 years.

Don’t be afraid to get a desert pond. It will be the most enjoyable and relaxing part of your entire home. The best part is if done right it will be virtually maintenance free.